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The health benefits: 


  • Rich in Nutrients: Durian is a nutrient-dense fruit, containing essential vitamins (such as vitamin C, B vitamins, and folate), minerals (such as potassium, iron, and magnesium), and dietary fiber.

  • Antioxidant Power: Durian is a good source of antioxidants like vitamin C, which helps neutralize free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and supporting cellular health.

  • Immune System Support: The high vitamin C content in durian boosts the immune system, aiding in the body's defense against infections and illnesses.

  • Digestive Health: Durian's dietary fiber promotes healthy digestion, regular bowel movements, and supports a well-balanced gut microbiome.

  • Energy Boost: Durian is calorie-dense and contains carbohydrates, making it an excellent energy source, especially for individuals needing quick and sustained energy.

  • Heart Health: Durian contains potassium, which supports heart health by regulating blood pressure levels and promoting healthy cardiovascular function.

  • Bone Health: Durian's mineral content, including potassium and magnesium, contributes to maintaining strong and healthy bones.

  • Skin Health: The antioxidants in durian, such as vitamin C and various phytonutrients, may promote healthy skin by protecting against oxidative damage.

  • Cognitive Health: Durian contains B vitamins, including thiamine and niacin, which play a role in supporting cognitive function and brain health.

  • Mood Enhancement: Durian is rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that contributes to the production of serotonin, potentially enhancing mood and overall well-being.


Farming season: All year around

Origin: Vietnam


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